Rookie mistake

I recently found out that I can't keep using the name Enduro for the game if I plan on releasing it someday, even as a homage to the original.

Sadly this will be the last update before rebranding the game, and I would probably lose some of the audience's interest in the project. Nevertheless I will keep working on it, publishing devlogs and such.

One little question for you: I'm still deciding what should I call the new game so, would you like the project to use a similar name to Enduro? just to suggest the connection. Or should I change the name completely?

Thank you everybody who followed the project up until now, see you in the next devlog!

Get Enduro C64


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Hey Albert. You could try to get the official permission to work on a remake. Usually most older devs are cool with it, if they know about it, and if you do not earn money with it. If you have to change things, you may not only change the name, but also alter the assets, so you do have an original game.