Help! What do you think about the player's sprite?

Do you find the sprite readable? is the size okay? I'd love to read how you feel about it, please share your thoughts in the comments.

Currently I'm limiting myself to hardware sprites and I'm only using one multicolored sprite & one hires sprite on top. I have considered stitching more sprites, but I don't want to go that route unless it's completely necessary because each additional sprite used for the player would mean one less available NPC.

Anyway, here are some examples for the redesign of the player's sprite, what shape do you like best?


Here is a x2 width design:

And here is an example of the size in context:

Scale x1Scale x2

And the x2 width sprite in context:

I feel the x1 size is just too tiny, but it has a lot more resolution and it would require sprite stitching if I go that route. Then x2 feels just about right, maybe I could design a smaller sprite, although some detail would be lost. Finally the x2 width sprite is a good middle ground with lots of potential if I put more effort into design.

See you in the next devlog & thank you very much for your feedback!

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Sprite V0.3 and Scale X2

Thank you!