DEMO available!

After 2 long months of learning 6502 assembly a playable demo is finally available!

There are still a lot of features missing from the original Enduro game, but for my first project I feel it is a good start.

Please share your feedback in the comments section so I can fix bugs, add content, and shape the future of this little project.

Implemented features:

  • Day / night cycle includes 6 stages: Day, Sunset, Night, Sunrise, Snow and Fog. The duration of one full day is approximately 3 minutes.
  • Don't like the time of day? change it! you can press the numbers 0 through 5 in your keyboard (not numpad), to change the current time of day.
  • Car customization. By pressing keyboard numbers 6 through 9, you change the color of your car. Currently there are 4 possible colors, Red, Green, Blue & Random.
  • Main loop complete. Overtaking every other racer in one day, makes you advance to the next day. When you lose, you loop back to the Title Screen.

Planned features:

  • Parallax effect for background elements.
  • Turns. (something so basic yet a little out of reach for my assembly coding skills)
  • Weather conditions. In the original the weather affects how you control your car.
  • Better music & SFX. The current loop is fine, but it definitely gets annoying after 30 minutes of playing!

Community features:

  • Let me know what other features are missing that you would like to be included.


enduro.d64 170 kB
38 days ago

Get Enduro C64

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