A2600 - Technical stuff goes here!

While trying to remake the game, I have found that solid material to reference is very scarse. I think that's one of the reasons for the lack of ports. Maybe we can change that...

In my attemp to break the game by 'normal' means of playing, I reached day 10! (TAS of course 🤖):

The original question I wanted to solve was: what happens after day 9? Well, here you have it. I guess I'll keep on playing to see how far I can get before the opponents become too fast or (fingers crossed) I reach day 99. I'm pretty sure the odomoter is the same as well, after 99,999 it will only increase by 1 and fill the last yellow space.

If you happen to have more information similar to this one, feel free to share it here.  The goal is to have as much source material to work with and create a great C64 port.

While searching online I also found this AtariAge post with Enduro's disassembly by Glurk from 2022 (big thanks!). I'm going to inspect that, and try to merge as much as I can to the C64 port. Wish me luck, as I have zero knowledge of A2600 assembly code.

Lastly, I found an awesome game for the MSX called "Endurance" made by Fabio Ritter in 2020.

Get Enduro C64

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