A downloadable game

TL;DR - Download the file and play it on VICE64 online

Start your engines!

Originally designed by Larry Miller for the Atari 2600, Enduro is one of the earliest racing games with a great sense of speed and an impressive full day/night cycle. Race your way through difficult terrain, and overtake other racers to earn the #1st place trophy!

Your main goal is to pass every racer marked on your HUD (right bottom corner) each day to keep on playing. Colliding with other racers is not allowed! you’ll be penalized with a stop check every time you hit another car, ignoring it causes racers to stop appearing.

This is my first 6502 assembly project and a fan remake / C64 port of the original Atari 2600 game Enduro released in 1983.

WARNING! It's not a bug, it's a feature.

This project is still a preview, so many features from the original are missing, and there are also some bugs. Please help the project by sharing your feedback in the comments.

ActionVICEC64 Joystick
AccelerateNumpad 8Up
BrakeNumpad 2Down
LeftNumpad 4Left
RightNumpad 6Right
Start PlayingNumpad 0Fire button
Exit gameHomeCLR/HOME
Control time of day
Keyboard Number
(Not numpad)
Car ColorRedGreenBlueRandom
Keyboard Number
(Not numpad)
Updated 6 days ago
TagsCommodore 64, d64, enduro, Remake, Retro


enduro.d64 170 kB

Install instructions

Loading time on a real C64 takes 1 minute approx.

How to play on an emulator:

  • Download VICE64
  • After unzipping the contents, open the 'bin' folder and run 'x64sc.exe'
  • Download the game demo (.d64 file)
  • Drag and drop the game file inside VICE64's window.

How to play it online:

  • Download the demo (.d64 file)
  • Open the link VICE64 online
  • Click the far right button (disk icon) to insert disk.
  • Double click 'enduro.d64'

Development log


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Nice start, hope you can finish it. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from May 2024" video.

Thank you for featuring my preview game!

Your channel is great, I subscribed :)


Nice looking game, at its early stages. It is very rare that homebrew developers make 3D car racing games like what we used to play in the 1980s and 1990s. I do hope it does get finished. 


Hi, as a big fan of the original Enduro for A2600, I am very excited that you are making a version for the C64. I realize this is still a WIP, so I hope you won't mind a few suggestions :)

First, I think the player car sprite is a bit too big and clunky. Second, I think the horizon is too close. Some car sound effects would also greatly enhance the game, I think. I really love the colours though - they are gorgeous!

Hi, I don't mind. In fact, all the help I can get is very welcome :) & thank you for trying out the demo


This game looks very interesting. Would like to launch a future demo on our ZZAP! 64 magazine cover disk. Please get in touch: jazzcat64@gmail.com


Good job! https://c64universe.wordpress.com/2024/05/18/enduro-preview-version/


Hey, thank you very much for featuring it and playing the demo!


The game looks interesting, I'm waiting for more.

Thank you for trying out the demo. I'll definitely keep adding content.